Teleradiology JOBS

Teleradiology – jobs for radiologists – specialists in X-ray, CT, MRI, MG

Jobs for radiologists M.D.

Due to the constant development, we are looking for specialist in radiology, medical doctors specializing in:

The work is remote via modern teleradiology systems and mobile applications, so we invite you to recruit not only from Poznań and Greater Poland, but also throughout the country.

Radiologist at work

Radiologist at work

Radiologist working - by tablet

Radiology job offers

Terms for cooperation

Headquarter Hospital Investement Group sp. z o.o. ocated in Poznan, Wielkopolska region, however due to our comprehensive teleradiology system we can cooperate with and from any location.

Teleradiology jobs - contact

Are you a radiologist, MD, specializing in MR, CT, X-ray or MG? Do you value flexibility? Would you like to work in attractive working environment using an innovative teleradiology solutions?

Contact us

Detailed information

Call us text us or email us +48 500 383 081 Email

Contact us

Administratorem Pana/Pani danych osobowych jest Hospital Investment Group Sp. z o. o. ul. Strzeleckiej 25/4, 61-0846 Poznań (dalej: Administrator). z o. o. ul. Strzeleckiej 25/4, 61-0846 Poznań Your personal date will be processed for the purpose of recruitment given in the job offer post The provision of your personal data was voluntary, and necessary for the process of recruitment. Click hereto read the complete content of information obligations.

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