Computed tomography is one of the basic imaging diagnostics examination. Teleradiology allows for quick, professional and qualitative use of its capabilities..
Computed tomography – universal examination
Computed tomography, included in the group of image examinations, is currently the primary diagnostic method.. It is widely used to detect various diseases, injuries and abnormalities of human body. The 2D and 3D images obtained in the examination are of high quality and accuracy. It allows to view not only the particular organ but also its cross-section in various planes .
The examination and later its description is done by a specialist in radiology. The specialist role is to detect all disturbing lesions, to measure and describe them.. Radiologist performs not only CT but also X-ray, MRI, USG or MG.
How does the examination look like?
During the computed tomography examination patient should lie still in a tunnel like machine. The inside (gantry) of the machine rotates around the examined area emitting irradiation while scanning the body. Depending on needs, a computerized tomography (CT) scan combines from few to a series (dozens) of X-ray images taken from different angles around the body and uses computer processing to create cross-sectional images (slices). from different angles around the body and uses computer processing to create cross-sectional images (slices).. It can scan parts of the body or its organ in 2D or 3D technique. Obtained images are then sent to a computer and evaluated and described by the specialist in radiology.
The test can be performed on entire areas,e.g. the abdominal cavity, chest, but also on individual organs e.g. liver or heart. In some cases, contrast is used for technical assistance.
Advantaged of teleradiology in CT imaging
Teleradiology is a response to the contemporary needs of the medical industry. Physicians order computed tomography more often, realizing its diagnostic potentials. Unfortunately, not every medical facility can afford to employ that many radiologists, to ensure continuity of examinations’ performance and short waiting times for their descriptions.. It is exactly the moment when teleradiology comes to the rescue. This modern solution has many advantages.. Here are some of them:
- permanent access to many specialists in the field of radiology and imaging diagnostics (incl. specialists in narrow fields of expertise) which ensures the continuity of work, even during absence periods or holiday leave
- the possibility to consult difficult clinical cases – due to the comprehensive 24/7 support
- short waiting times for descriptions (even 1-2 hours for urgent cases)
- possibility to define the order execution mode (its urgency) – urgent orders are being processed immediately and waiting time for other results is also shortened.
It is worth mentioning, the teleradiology service allows to decrease significantly the staff costs. Moreover, It is absolutely safe and in compliance with legal regulations.
What can we offer?
Teleradiology is our specialty. We use modern technologies to ensure the highest quality and the maximum comfort to our customers. We create a systematic ICT network where all ordered descriptions are available in the cloud – from any device connected to the Internet, anywhere in the country and in the world. We care for the simplicity and elasticity of its implementation and intuitiveness of examination. Our solutions are comprehensive – customers’ satisfaction is our priority. We want to provide each medical facility the possibility for optimal use of diagnostic images obtained during the examination for further treatment of their patients.. We warmly encourage to make use of the opportunities offered by teleradiology.