The popular outsourcing of services, also considers medicine. Teleradiology – a telemedicine branch, is its perfect example, which focuses on remote description of image examinations, ordered by medical facilities.which focuses on remote description of image examinations, ordered by medical facilities. Do you want to know more about it? We invite you to read.

How does teleradiology work?
The operation of the entire system is very simple. It is based on two branches:
- A central unit, i.e. a descriptive center
- Medical facilities connected to the network (hospital, clinics etc.)
All facilities using a given network can upload their own diagnostics images to the system,set their priorities, order image descriptions to specialists or perform it themselves. The role of the central unit is the central management, among other things, assigning specific descriptions to specific doctors.. The role of the central unit is the central management, among other things, assigning specific descriptions to specific doctors.
How does it work from the technical point of view?
In the facility connected to the network, digital diagnostics images are uploaded to the teleradiological system.. It is a task of the facility to prioritize it – to determine its urgency status. Images are then sent to the descriptive center via the Internet, where they are managed (forwarded for further description) or described on site. All descriptions are performed by experiences specialists in radiologyin the manner specified by the ordering unit. The great advantage of this solution is that images can be done anywhere and also described anywhere in the world. In addition forwarding the order, image or description takes a moment and it is entirely safe.

Who can use teleradiology?
It isa modern and convenient service, that can we used by any medical facility in need. Its size and specialization do not matter. Teleradiology is eagerly used by big and small medical facilities – from clinics and multi-ward hospitals to small one person doctor’s offices. This modern solution increases the comfort of both doctors and patientswho do not have to wait for a long time for the result of their diagnosis.
Is it worth to outsource radiological services and why?
Many medical insitutions, in the light of the growing demand for radiologists’ services are wondering whether it is worth to outsource their services.. If already given arguments are not sufficient we have prepared addition information on teleradiology benefits.. You already know it is a solution for everyone, which significantly reduces the waiting times for descriptions and communicates with each other specialists and medical facilities from all over the country. What else do you gain by opting for teleradiology ?
- – money saving– medical facility does not need to employ a specialist in radiology.
- Access to excellent specialistsfrom all over Poland, possibility for peer review and peer consultations
- Standardization and quality – descriptions are always perform according to specific standards.
In summary, it is definately worth to outsource teleradiological services. It is a solution advantageous both for small doctors’ offices and large clinics.. It is a money and time saving solution.